40 Culture Shock Examples in the USA for Europeans

Culture shock in America

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7 Responses

  1. Renata says:

    The title is very misleading: I was expecting a post on….America – but if I’m not mistaken, this is dealing exclusively with the US?! America consists of 57 countries….

  2. This is all spot on haha I love reading culture shock in America posts because they’re always so accurate. That being said… as far as the “political correctness” – the photo you used in #33 is very controversial. It was taken the day of the insurrection at the capital of the United States. The man in the photo was one of the insurrectionists that broke into the capital – he is sitting at house speaker Nancy Pelosi’s desk rifling through her things while others called for her head in the halls. So just FYI you mightttt want to use a different picture. Loved your post though!

    • Ildi says:

      Hey, thanks, you are right, I was hesitant to use the pic, but I ended up using it exactly because it is so controversial. But I don’t want to offend anyone, so I’ll just remove it.

  3. Yasmine says:

    Yep this is spot on! I’m an American born child of immigrants and third culture kid who has lived in several places so I have a foot in each world and you nailed it

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