Day Trips from Flagstaff with Kids

Road trip with kids: Grand Canyon with kid
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11 Responses

  1. Mama Pinot says:

    We’re planning a road trip from Texas to Grand Canyon next year via Arizona. So this post is perfect for a list of things we can do along our way. Thank you so much for the tips. Saving this for refence.

  2. Kate says:

    I’ve heard great things about Flagstaff, but I haven’t visited yet! It’s awesome that it’s close enough to visit the Grand Canyon, that would be an amazing day trip.

  3. Christina says:

    I lived in Arizona as a kid. We used to go skiing in the Flagstaff area in the winter. I really enjoyed your pictures. Great list of family activities.

  4. I’ve never been to Flagstaff or any of the day trip locations you mentioned, but I have driven along Route 66, and it was such a neat experience and a great feeling to just be able to say that I’ve done it! It really is legendary. We’re heading to Las Vegas to begin our road trip around Utah next week, and I really wish we could’ve added the Grand Canyon to our itinerary – we just didn’t have enough days to do it all. Hope we’ll get to go one of these days 😊. Xx Sara

  5. When we visited Arizona, we planned to stay in Flagstaff but made a change at the last minute to stay in Sedona instead. We will definitely need to visit Flagstaff on a future visit. We would definitely want to visit the Drinking Horn Meadery. Love trying new drinks like this. With great spots like the Painted Desert and Meteor Crater, we will need to plan a few days.

  6. Since there are so many cliches when it comes to the US, it’s a great country to visit with kids. The landmarks there are easier to ‘digest’ than in Europe where sites are often more intellectualized and less ‘ hands-on’. When my daughter was still small, we enjoyed visiting the US. Nevertheless, I’d love to see Colorado and Utah for the mountains and the rock formations.

  7. I have never visited Arizona before but this seems like the perfect road trip destination. There seems like there is a lot to do on the way as well as once you are there to keep the family entertained. The painted desert looks like a great spot to get some nice pictures as well!

  8. Lisa says:

    As a fellow European I totally understand your point of view! I’ve also yet to visit Flagstaff but would love to one day. You’ve listed some great tips on visiting with children, having snacks is something I wouldn’t automatically think of, but it’s a good tip!

  9. kmf says:

    These look like fabulous day trips from Flagstaff with (or without kids). I would love to do them myself.

  10. I was unknow to flagstaff until now. But after reading your post and relishing the pictures, I can say that I knew a lot about it. Thanks for the post.

  1. November 11, 2021

    […] another planet.When we drove from the desert in Phoenix (AZ) to the ponderosa pine tree forest near Flagstaff, my awakening kids thought we somehow had driven to […]

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